Currently Under Construction… Hi, I am currently working on this page. I will be back soon with a full case study! Thank you Ricky

Currently Under Construction… Hi, I am currently working on this page. I will be back soon with a full case study! Thank you Ricky
Project “RDM” Desktop App Overview This prospective project involved multiple ux designers working together to meet a short deadline. The complete iterative design process was used beginning with the client kickoff, user interviews, information architecture, wireframing, visual design, pattern libraries and final asset deliverables to the development team. The basis[…]
Embotics Interactive Solution Overview Embotics was interested in marketing their cloud management platform and services on a large touchscreen device that would be demoed at tradeshows. They wanted a design that communicated their product’s story and how their services have integrated into their current client’s business needs. Capturing potential[…]
Jeep Showroom Kiosk Overview Jeep dealerships were looking for an engaging interactive touch based solution that would allow their customers to explore their unique line of vehicles and products in fun and intuitive ways. The kiosk hardware was placed on the show floor as a sales tool to be used by potential customers looking[…]